emWave Pro Desktop Stress Relief System – For PC or Mac
The emWave Pro provides one of the best interactive biofeedback tools available.
Easy to use!
Learn to manage and relieve Stress! No need to live with Stress any longer!
Now for PC or MAC! emWave PC or Mac Stress Relief System
The emWave Desktop Stress Relief System with Patented Heart Rhythm Monitor will help you transform stress and anxiety into vibrant energy. Much more than a heart monitor this revolutionary technology guides you on how to achieve higher, more creative energy levels, less stress, and optimal health. In today’s world, its important for people to learn stress reduction and emotional management skills. With the emWave Stress Relief System you can take an active role in preventing stress, managing the emotions associated with stress and create better health. HeartMath has revolutionized stress reduction by developing a proprietary, scientific process and award-winning technology that:
- Helps you achieve “coherence”, a highly efficient psychological state where all the systems of the body are working together in harmony-leading to a feeling of well-being and control.
- Improves your heart rhythm patterns which trigger a variety of positive outcomes in the mind and body, creating feelings of balance and empowerment allowing you to experience greater health and more energy.
- Increases your heart rhythm coherence that drives synchronization of your body and brain.
- Gives you tools to manage your emotions and thoughts and follow through on changes you are inspired to make.
- Leads you to reduced stress, improved mental function, better memory, clearer decision-making, better relationship communications, and improved physical health.
How the emWave System Can Help
You can use the emWave PC technology to help you learn internal awareness, self-regulation and emotional management skills. You can learn to prevent stress by becoming aware of when the stress response starts and stopping it in the moment. The emWave PC technology is an easy-to-use software program with a heart rhythm monitor.
The system is an innovative approach to stress relief based on learning to change the heart rhythm pattern and create physiological coherence in the body. With this program you can see how your thoughts and emotions affect your heart and nervous system through the user friendly graphics displayed on your computer monitor. When stressed, your heart rhythms have an irregular, jagged incoherent pattern. When you shift to a more positive emotional state, the heart rhythm pattern changes to a smoother, wave-like coherent pattern. By seeing the visual change on the screen and associating it with a more peaceful, calm internal state, you learn to manage stress and maintain a state of physiological coherence and balance. Ordered and harmonious heart rhythms are an indicator of your coherence level. High coherence is a state associated with positive emotional attitudes which send signals to the brain that reduce stress, improve brain function, hormonal balance, immune response, coordination and reaction times.
The emWave PC or Mac system determines the degree of coherence found in your heart rhythm patterns and displays changes in real-time. The goal in using the emWave system is to reduce stress by achieving and sustaining High Coherence. The Coherence Coach™ provides instruction on how to do the Quick Coherence™ Technique to improve your coherence scores with emWave PC or Mac. As you practice the Quick Coherence Technique, while at the same time activating a positive feeling like the care you have for someone or the appreciation you have for the good things in your life, your coherence level and heart rhythm patterns will begin to change on the screen. The emWave system offers four challenge levels to help you sharpen your coherence building skills. Additionally, it incorporates an accumulated coherence scoring display so you can track your progress during a session and save and review your sessions over time. HeartMath research by Doc Childre has shown that emotions are reflected in our heart rhythm patterns. The analysis of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), or heart rhythms, is recognized as a powerful, non-invasive measure that reflects heart-brain interactions and autonomic nervous system dynamics, which are particularly sensitive to changes in the emotional state. emWave is a software and hardware program which collects pulse data through a finger or ear sensor which plugs into your computer. The program translates the information from your heart rhythms into user friendly graphics displayed on your computer screen.
- Watch your heart rhythms in real time.
- See how emotions affect your heart rhythms.
- Discover which emotions you can activate to more effectively manage stress and boost vitality. With emWave, you learn to build a buffer against stress by accessing a high performance state called “coherence.” Coherence is a mental and emotional state that people experience when they are “in-sync” or in the “zone”–when the heart, brain and nervous system are working in harmony. Simply stated, more coherence equals more energy and less wear and tear from stress.
Revitalize yourself with emWave
- Easy-to-use software, patented heart rhythm monitor designed to prevent, manage and reverse the negative effects of stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression and more.
- Achieve new levels of health, performance and well-being.
- Learn how to intentionally shift to a positive emotional state and see how shifts in your heart rhythms create physiological responses.
- Benefit by gaining clarity, calmness and control. The effects are both immediate and long lasting.
De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times We all know that millions of people are experiencing extra stress. Much outgoing care and compassion is needed to help ease the emotional pain that so many are increasingly experiencing. Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, a leading stress research institute, has written a free booklet De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times that provides a few simple practices to help people intercept and manage stress during this period of challenge and uncertainty. Click for free Download 8.5″ x 11″ PDF (four-color)
Some of the new features and enhancements include:
- Categorized content sections with well over a 100 pages of reference information. Applications include Health and Well-Being, Health Professional, Sports Performance, Workplace Performance, and Testing and Learning.
- The Coherence Coach™ an entertaining software application that teaches HeartMath’s Quick Coherence® technique. The Coherence Coach gives you the training to increase coherence levels while using your emWave PC system.
- Emotion Visualizer™ provides four stunning colorful images which vary according to your emotional state and coherence level.
- Three new beautiful and colorful interactive games designed to help you transform stress into creative energy while building your coherence scores.
- An integrated music player and improved audio feedback functionality.
- Integrated web access to online forums, troubleshooter and knowledgebase.
- Advanced data logging for pulse, inter-beat-intervals, power spectrum and more.
- New and improved tutorial and a fully updated help system.
- and much more… like our integrated live news and update notification window.
NEW! Now available with HeartCloud™ emWave Pro now syncs with HeartCloud giving you the ability to track universally, earn rewards for your efforts and share with others. HeartCloud can be conveniently accessed at any time from your iOS device or computer.
Glossary of Terms Cardiac Coherence–A mode of cardiac function in which the heart?s rhythmic and electrical output is highly ordered. HeartMath research has shown that the positive emotions such as love, care, and appreciation increase coherence in the heart?s rhythmic beating patterns. During states of cardiac coherence, brain wave patterns have been shown to entrain with heart rate variability patterns; in addition, nervous system balance and immune function are enhanced. Overall, the body functions with increased harmony and efficiency.
Coherence–Logical connectedness, internal order, or harmony among the components of a system. This term can also refer to the tendency toward increased order in the informational content of a system or in the information flow between systems. In physics, two or more waveforms that are phase-locked together (so that their energy is constructive) are described as coherent. Coherence can also be attributed to a single waveform, in which case it denotes an ordered or constructive distribution of power content. Recently, there has been a growing scientific interest in coherence in living systems. When a system is coherent, virtually no energy is wasted, because of the internal synchronization among the parts. In organizations, increased coherence enables the emergence of new levels of creativity, cooperation, productivity, and quality at all levels.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)–The normally occurring beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. Analysis of HRV is an important tool used to assess the function and balance of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is considered a key indicator of aging, cardiac health, and overall well-being.
Stress–Pressure, strain, or a sense of inner turmoil resulting from our perception and reactions to events or conditions. A state of negative emotional arousal, usually associated with feelings of discomfort or anxiety that we attribute to our circumstances or situation. emWave is a result of over 15 years of research. Learn more about the science behind emWave
The Tools for Success
- Real-Time Heart Rate Variability Monitor
- Four challenge levels to help you raise your baseline coherence levels
- Coherence Coach tutorial for learning and applying the Quick Coherence technique.
- Interactive Games that help you transform stress into creative energy
- Emotion Visualizer provides stunning colorful images which vary according to your emotional state and coherence level.
- Data storage showing coherence levels for session and history review
Revitalize and Rejuvenate
- Quickly re-balance mind, body and emotions as you reduce stress.
- Build resilience through improved health, stamina and well-being.
- Avoid burnout in chaotic and changing environments.
- Maximize creativity and innovation.
- Boost performance and increase mental clarity and memory.
- Be less reactive, think more clearly, make better decisions- especially under pressure.
- Works on either Mac or PC system
- USB module with pulse sensor that attaches to your ear
- Multiple views to watch your heart rhythms change as you move into a state of higher performance.
- Interactive games to build and sustain coherence
- Data storage showing coherence levels for session and history review
- Four challenge levels to help you raise your baseline coherence levels
- Coherence Coach tutorial
Online and Personal Customer Care:
- Free weekly training calls for the beginner and advanced user
- Lifetime customer support
- Free webinars on stress, anxiety, personal well-being and empowerment
- One year limited warranty
Package Contents:
- Software CD for Mac and PC
- USB module with pulse sensor that attaches to your ear
- Owners Manual
- Practice Plan
System Requirements Mac
- OS X v 10.4 (Tiger) or later
- 1.0GHz or faster G4, G5 or Intel processor
- CD or DVD Drive
- One available USB Port.
- Internet Access Recommended PC
- Windows Vista or newer
- 1.0GHz or faster Processor
- 1 GB RAM
- CD or DVD Drive
- One available USB Port.
- Internet Access Recommended Want to use the emWave software on multiple computers? Be sure to order the emWave USB Hardware Kit too!
As with any physiological training tool that can effectively help you improve your health, you may find you need less medication, if you are taking medications for stress, anxiety, pain, high blood pressure, diabetes or other stress related disorders. It would be wise to discuss any changes in your needs with your prescribing doctor. This item replaces Freeze Framer HRV System Version 2.0.
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