Can I protect myself from EMFs? Video reference

Can I protect myself from EMFs? Video reference

Can I protect myself from EMFs? Video reference

Newsworthy…   Can I really protect myself from exposure to EMF?

At Tools for Wellness we work hard to validate the technologies for products we offer.  When it comes to EMF (Electromagnetic Fields), about 40% of the phone calls we get are customers trying to understand EMF and protect themselves from the potential effects.  This is a growing and relevant issue we should all consider. 

The advice we give our customers is not to intimidate our customers…  Our advice is to look at the bubble you live in, understand what your exposures are, and do your best to manage it.  In modern society, we can’t get away from it, but it can be managed.

What are EMFs, and why do we care?

EMF’s can be described as electrons that have been accelerated.  An electron is a subatomic particle that is charged with negative electricity.  An electromagnetic field (EMF) is generated when electrons are accelerated.  When these accelerated movements are created, these charged particles create fields.  These fields, a range of radiation frequencies, are known as the radiation spectrum.  Some frequencies are harmless.  Traditional frequencies like radio have no damaging effect while higher frequencies generated from modern technologies can project potentially risky levels of radiation…  which are not good for the human body.  With the recent introduction of 5G frequencies the level of EMF radiation is expanded 1000x.

According to the Environmental Health Trust, a credible independent health organization, over 215 scientists from 40 different countries have appealed to the United Nations for urgent action to reduce the EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure emitting from wireless sources.

The other question we get frequently is “Do EMF protection products work?”  There are certainly a lot of products in the market place that make claims but really don’t provide a benefit.  We do a lot of research with the products we offer to insure they provide benefit to our customers.  We carefully research the manufacturers we work with and look for solid 3rd party testing.  We have a few internal tests we run to help provide efficacy.   

This is a bit of an oldie we thought we’d share again.  The video link below was a research study done by the BBC and gives a good explanation of what happens to our bodies with regular exposure to EMF.  


The video shows how a product like Q-Link can help protect.

There remains some controversy over the effectiveness of products like these.  In the US, we are especially late adopters.  The message we consistently find is the EMF’s do effect our bodies and good management of exposure is certainly a recommendation.