Four Chemicals That May Be in Your Drinking Water

Four Chemicals That May Be in Your Drinking Water

Four Chemicals That May Be in Your Drinking Water

Four Chemicals That May Be in Your Drinking Water

In many first-world countries, like The United States of America, people drink, cook, bathe, and provide water for their pets, along with other daily tasks involving water without a second thought to what chemicals or contaminants could be lurking. With more recent water boil advisories and crises like Flint, Michigan, there has been an increasing consumer need for water filter systems to help keep their families safe.

At Tools for Wellness, our products are designed specifically with your safety and health in mind. We offer top-of-the-line products like our Berkey Water Filters, to help provide consumers with safer water for their daily uses. In today’s post, we are going to go over the four most common contaminants and chemicals that are found in many people’s drinking water. Keep reading to learn more and shop our water purifiers today!

close up of a lead pipe plumbing


Many water suppliers are held to certain standards for water quality and safety, but did you know that violations are routinely made putting consumers at risk? Lead is a common heavy metal that can stem from corrosion of lead pipes and plumbing fixtures, causing neurological and behavioral problems in both children and adults.

arsenic periodic table


The Environmental Protection Agency set arsenic limits at ten parts per billion (ppb) in 2001, but in a more recent study, arsenic levels are proving much more harmful than initially thought — in fact, 17 times more toxic. While this chemical is steadily decreasing, it is still important to note it is a main cancer-causing agent and should routinely be screened for.

pesticide sign


Atrazine is a pesticide that is commonly found in drinking water supplies across the midwest and other agricultural states. This chemical can cause hormone issues and birth defects along with certain cancers, as well as leukemia and lymphoma.

scientist with pathogens in a lab


In more recent years, there has been a big focus on pathogens and how they are transmitted. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites commonly find their way into drinking water supplies. While many municipal filtration systems filter for these contaminants, some outbreaks still happen, resulting in boil advisories. One of the most common strands is E. coli, which can cause severe digestive pains and issues.

Due to the adverse health effects of many of these contaminants and chemicals, many homeowners across the nation have opted for additional water purifiers like a Berkey Water Filter, to remove pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals, and other harmful elements in their drinking water. To provide your family with peace of mind and further protection, Tools for Wellness, offers the best water filter systems available. Shop now!

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