


Click here for information about privacy, security, and our safe shopping guarantee. In addition, we’re pleased to offer a 3-in-1 buySAFE Guarantee, for orders placed online.We’ve partnered with buySAFE to provide our buyers with additional peace of mind on every purchase. When you buy from us through our online shopping cart, you receive – at no cost to you – a buySAFE 3-in-1 Guarantee with your purchase that includes the following benefits:

$1000 Purchase Guarantee

Get what you paid for, or your money back. All the terms of sale for your purchase are guaranteed, including product authenticity, up to $1000.

$10,000 Identity Theft Protection

Comprehensive ID theft coverage for 30 days. Your identity is protected and you have access to free professional ID theft remediation services for the next 30 days. Coverage applies for all online and offline identity theft, wherever it occurs.

Lowest Price Guarantee for 30 days.

If the price at our store drops within 30 days of your purchase, we’ll pay you the difference, up to $100 per transaction and up to a maximum of $200 per claimant in any twelve-month period. Some exclusions apply, and click on the buySAFE triangle you’ll see at the bottom left of our website for more details.

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