International Customers

International Customers

International Customers

We are now able to ship to just about every country worldwide.

Shipments to USA
  • Add the item(s) you’d like to order to your shopping cart by clicking on the “Add To Cart” button on each product page.
  • When you’re ready to complete your order, click the “USA Checkout” button in the shopping cart to begin the checkout process.
Shipments to Canada and Other Countries
  • Add the item(s) you’d like to order to your shopping cart by clicking on the “Add To Cart” button on each product page.
  • When you’re ready to complete your order, click the “International Checkout” button in the shopping cart to begin the checkout process.
  • The contents of the shopping cart will be transferred to International Checkout’s secure website for processing. You’ll be shown shipping options and charges, and be given a choice of payment methods including PayPal, bank transfer, credit card, and payment in your own currency. International Checkout will process your order, including billing, shipping and customer service. Once your order is completed, all inquiries should be directed to International Checkout at

If you need any assistance with placing your International Checkout order, please contact or call one of their customer service phone numbers:

We use a third party service to help with most international shipments.  If you placed an order using our International Checkout option and need customer service please contact:

Customer Care
P: (786) 391-4868

You can also email us at: for assistance.

How will you ship my order?

All orders are processed immediately upon receipt, so please make sure your address, phone number, email address and requested shipping method are correct before you submit your order. Please also check your email confirmation carefully, as it is a result of the information you have entered, and we cannot be held responsible for incorrectly entered information. Please see below regarding additional shipping charges as a result of incorrect addresses.

We may be unable to change your order once we have received it, as orders are processed immediately upon receipt. We ship most orders for in-stock items within 24-48 hours. Orders received Saturday and Sunday will be processed the following Monday. Some orders may be delayed as we thoroughly investigate the validity of credit card transactions and verify billing information, and we can’t be held responsible for order processing delays because of this. This is all done for your security.



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