Laxman Light and Sound Mind Machine with MP3 Player


The Laxman device is a truly modern Sound and Light Machine! With its unique open- eye experience capability, it is unlike any other meditation machine you are likely to be familiar with. Utilizing bin-aural meditation and a variety of tools to create a sensory-rich, multi-media event, this relaxing sound machine must be experienced to be fully grasped. It comes with all-color Ganzfeld Goggles, and the functionality for the user to be able to create their own sessions. Keep in mind, you can also use our pre-installed sessions, which range in their effects from energizing and regenerative to focus, sleep, and transcendence. Perfect for Brainwave Entrainment and Neuro-Enhancement!

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The Laxman ‘Innertainment’ System is the next generation of light and sound mind machines.

The first of its kind, the Laxman combines the most effective light and sound entrainment (with open-eye Ganzfeld Glasses) with the features of a state-of-the-art multimedia device. (with the built-in MP3 player). The product is complemented by other features like intuitive menu control, four hours of exclusive ambient sounds (some of them composed by the well-known mental trainer Michael Hutchison), expandable memory (Mini SD card slot), its own editor software, a USB interface, top quality casing, and many other technical attributes that should leave nothing to be desired.

The Laxman is the only light and sound relaxation system that allows you to add neurologically effective visual structures to your own music tracks and to carry light and sound in one single Laxman mind machine. Use the MP3 player to create your own multimedia event, enjoy your own music not only as an auditory but also as a visual- and sensual experience! With the user-friendly Session Designer software LaxEdit, convert your own audio tracks into audiovisual Laxman sessions tailor-made to your individual tastes. It’s comfortably one of the best meditation machines that we carry, and that is saying something.

The Laxman breaks new ground in several areas. Its patented All-Color Ganzfeld Open-Eye Goggles can transmit every color of the light spectrum indirectly onto the open (or closed) eyes. This new breakthrough technology alone works extraordinarily well for shifting mind-states, but its effectiveness is compounded with the Ganzfeld Effect of the goggles. You will be awash in kaleidoscopic geometric structures while you shift into a more relaxed state of mind.

What is the Ganzfeld Effect?

The Ganzfeld (German for “complete/full field”) effect happens when the sensory system is steadily overloaded with a uniform signal from a featureless field of vision. Ganzfeld creates the illusion of an open field of vision of infinite depth. It can help one enter into a profoundly altered state similar to sensory deprivation. The Ganzfeld effect is very desirable during visualization, meditation or relaxation practices to reduce distractions and to deepen the state. A sensation of weightlessness and time distortion is sometimes felt, along with mild visual hallucinations. When the Ganzfeld effect is used in conjunction with light and sound the effect is very powerful, which is why we include Ganzfeld goggles (or meditation glasses) with this light and sound machine.

Ganzfeld Sessions and Editor Software

The Laxman brings auditory stimulation to a new level above conventional light and sound mind machines. There are over four hours of professionally produced and very tasteful ambient and nature sound arrangements used in the pre-programmed sessions. Classical impulse frequencies, binaural-beats and hemicircle sounds are also used for a uniquely effective and enjoyable sound experience. You can also upload MP3 files to the Laxman so that you can use your own favorite music tracks with light and sound sessions. Whether preinstalled Laxman sessions, sessions created by yourself, language courses, your own suggestions or audio books, any content may be transported and used by the Laxman.

The LaxEdit Software

LaxEdit is the editor software for creating own sessions for the Laxman. You can open any MP3-file (e.g. music, audio books, etc.) in the software and place precise color and frequency events with the help of an intuitive timeline or an analytic table. Afterwards, you transfer the produced file together with the respective MP3 to the Laxman by means of the provided USB cable. The session now appears in the Laxman menu and can be used like the pre-installed sessions.

Laxman Pre-Installed Sessions:

  • MegaBrainZones: The MegaBrainZones – sessions by the late creator Michael Hutchison are produced in an outstanding quality, recorded with enormous technical and scientific expenditure, and to this day belong to the best psycho acoustic music available.
  • Peak Performance alpha energize The Espresso replacement for a spirited start after rests and for mental or sportive continuous peak performance. Ideal for PC work, for learning and for superlearning. Inner state: the consciousness gradually adopts the tendency to peak performance, highly active at peace with yourself.
  • Deep Relaxation delta sleep These frequencies induce natural meditative states, accompanied by deep physical relaxation, which may also lead to a recovering, natural, and healthy sleep. Inner state: Deep physical relaxation is consciously observed or replaced by recovering sleep.
  • Love alpha regeneration Synthesized sounds take us from the scenarios of the past day into the oasis of relaxation. Silence prevails, you immerse yourself in a world of sound. What remains is a flight of thought over flowering gardens, past all walls of our civilization, to this old tree that has put down its roots here for more than 100 years. It represents the recurring blossoming in the course of the world. The old man has been sitting here for all his life and tells this story about the only thing important in life … love.
  • Fire theta visualize The flashing ascent of our galactic, great giver of warmth and light – the sun. A spirited, beautiful day full of live and unique moments. The entire color spectrum of nature followed by an inspiring sunset on the horizon. A vespertine, crackling open fire blazes against the background of a crystal-clear night with full moon and thousands of jingling stars. The cuddly warmth of the glowing logs makes the body comfortable and conveys a languorous feeling of timelessness.
  • Water alpha focus Water is not only an elixir which gives us strength and is an indispensable component of ourselves, but is also the habitat for a large variety of creatures and plants. On a trip into the unexplored depths of our fascinating water landscapes we discover undreamed-of beauty. Immerse yourself into a crystal clear sea of satin and enjoy iridescent colors and forms of the underwater world.
  • Air delta regeneration The life of man is constantly affected by the forces of nature. Where the summer rain falls downhill onto the leafy canopies of the tropical forests, the fresh high land wind blows over the seemingly endless high mountain ranges, driving enormous wafts of mist, there is a place of relaxation for anyone. Who responds to the call of nature far from the densely populated civilization experiences the overwhelming diversity of species of primitive times.
  • Earth alpha activate From time immemorial the didgeridoo has been used by Australian Aborigines as cult instrument. The overtone wind instrument produces rhythmic vibrations deeply affecting the body, thus leading to a synchronization, so to speak a “reset”, of various body frequencies. Let yourself be carried off by the trance of the musician into the night of the Australian bushes.
  • Chanting delta transcendence Overtone singing is a singing technique in which the partials of a sound wave are selectively amplified and made audible. Each pitch that we hear contains additional pitches which determine the tone color or timbre of the pitch. Everyone can experience these pitches in his or her own voice by slowing down the modulation of the vowels. In the shamanic singing of many cultures the overtones play an important role to contact other consciousness dimensions which transcend the usual forms of our perception.
  • Vibrations delta sleep “Vibrations” is a journey through a world of unheard and yet strangely confident sounds touching your inner self. The sound of the crystal sound bowls of Carlo Michael, starting gently and getting more intensive later on, creates multilayered vibrations which can be physically experienced. Experience yourself as a vibrating part of the infinite space. Laxman is Audiostrobe compatible.


Several clinical studies have shown declines in depression, anxiety and/or suicide ideation following a treatment program using AVE. According to researchers of AVE, blood serum levels of serotonin, endorphine, and melatonin all increased considerably following 10 Hz, white-light photic stimulation. Read more about these findings HERE


What’s Included

  • Laxman device
  • All-Color Ganzfeld Goggles
  • 4 hours of pre-installed exclusive ambient-sessions plus additional classic impulse-sessions
  • Carry bag
  • Earphones
  • USB cable
  • batteries
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Clips to combine cables
  • Comprehensive Operator’s Manual
  • LaxEdit-software for PC or Mac (as free download)
  • Dimensions: 11″ x 8″ x 4″ and weighs approximately 2 lbs.


Product Specifications:

  • 12 Ambient sessions pre-installed
  • 10 Pulse sessions pre-installed
  • Random Sessions for all ranges (beta, alpha, theta, delta)
  • Connectable with any MP3 file.
  • Software to edit your own sessions (download)
  • Isochronic pulse
  • Variable regulation of the visual contrast
  • Whitebalance for the goggles
  • Internal memory 1 GB
  • Expandable external memory via mini SD card
  • Mp3 player
  • Power supply: 2 x AA batteries (rechargeable battery or USB adapter) The following parameters can be adjusted manually:
  • Frequencies (0,0 to 40 Hz resolution 0,1 Hz)
  • Color (360° colorcircle)
  • Pulse tones (four octaves from C32,7Hz to c” 523,3Hz)
  • Pulse options: Standard, binaural beats, hemicircle Includes a 2-year manufacturer warranty. The Laxman mind machine is a non-returnable item.


Ships via Standard Delivery.   Please allow an additional 7-10 business days for delivery

Always consult a medical professional before using any light and sound machine.


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