Low Ohm Tuning Fork 68.05 Hz


  • Relaxes muscular tension
  • Deeply rooting, helps loosen chronic conditions
  • Relaxes adrenals, relieves stress and equilibrates whole body
  • Helps reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Promotes healing of strained muscles, tendons and ligaments
  • Alleviates blockages, dispels stasis, and nourishes the Qi

968 in stock


The Low Ohm Tuning Fork (68.05 hz) produces deep tones when activated and is helpful for releasing strain and stress. It is great to use with low energy, and is good for working on the lower body, as it is grounding.

Many use this fork for helping to release deep energy blockages. This fork has a deep and earthy reverberating quality with lovely overtones when activated, and is an excellent choice for working on the body, especially the lower body, as it is particularly grounding.

*Includes online access to 26 minute video: TUNING FORK APPLICATION plus free download codes for Sound Healing Music.

Use alone or with the Mid-Ohm Tuning Fork to create an Ohm Octave, a beautiful music interval. 68.05 hz.

About our Tuning Forks

Ohm Therapeutics Tuning Forks are fully guaranteed to stay in tune. We work with the premier tuning fork manufacturer in the US. Ohm Tuning Forks are made with a space & medical grade aluminum alloy and are precision tuned to within 0.5% of their indicated frequency. We have chosen not to color our forks to reduce environmental impact. Both anodizing and painting (which requires an additional degreasing process) are toxic to the environment.


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