Narrative Medicine: The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process Book


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Seeks to restore the pivotal role of the patient’s own story in the healing process

  • Shows how conventional medicine tends to ignore the account of the patient
  • Presents case histories where disease is addressed and healed through the narrative process
  • Proposes a reinvention of medicine to include the indigenous healing methods that for thousands of years have drawn their effectiveness from telling and listening Modern medicine, with its high-tech and managed-care approach, has eliminated much of what constitutes the art of healing: those elements of doctoring that go beyond the medications prescribed. The typically brief office visit leaves little time for doctors to listen to their patients, though it is in these narratives that disease is both revealed and perpetuated–and can be released and treated. About the Author: Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D., is certified in family practice, geriatrics, and psychiatry and worked for years in rural emergency medicine. He is currently an associate professor of family medicine and psychiatry at the University of Saskatchewan. Softcover, 336 pages. Published July 26, 2007.
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