Ohm Therapeutics Deluxe Chakra Balancing Set


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Clear, Balance and Harmonize the Chakras.


The Perfect Set for those getting into Tuning Fork therapy or if you’re looking for a complete package including reference charts!



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Our Ohm Therapeutics Deluxe Chakra Set featuring the sacred OM of Buddhist and Hindu spiritual traditions

The kit includes visual aid resources to help learn how to use Ohm Tuning Forks to clear, balance and harmonize the Chakras.   Our, included, 2-sided chart helps to demonstrate three techniques to open the energetic pathways and promote an unobstructed flow of Qi.  These tools help move disharmony and tension, clear unwanted resonance and attune the body’s Chakras/vital energy centers.

*Includes download codes for Sound Healing Music.

Experience the benefits of accessing source energy. Healers, Shamans and devotees of spiritual practices have long sought to access Qi/source energy to correct imbalances, awaken kundalini, and to facilitate the healing process.

The earliest known mention of the Chakras is found in the Upanishads, sacred Hindu texts. This is also true of the seed syllable and sacred mantra A-U-M (OM/Ohm) an ancient and spiritually rich tone. Both the Chakras and OM predate modern western tunings often associated with the Chakras today.

We also offer this same set with a optional Practitioner Leg Activator.   Practitioner Activator is perfect for professional use of a “Hands Free” option.  The technique for both hands for tuning fork use (rolling, sweeping, figure-8, caduceus weaving, sound balancing, etc.) is perfect with this activator.  Our Leg Activator allows for mobility, a relaxed pace and rhythm of use, and leaves both hands free for tuning fork activation and applications.


The Deluxe Set Includes:

  • High Ohm Octave Set (272.2 + 544.4 hz each)
  • Sonic Ohm Tuning Fork Kit (1088.8 hz + Activator)
  • Chakra Balancing Chart (2-sided, laminated, instructional)
  • CD In the Key of Earth (harmonizes with Ohm Tuning Forks, enhancing their healing resonance)

Additional information


Deluxe Chakra Set – Standard, Deluxe Chkra Set – With Leg Activator