VIVOBASE HOME – Whole house EMF Protection


  • VIVOBASE products provide genuine relief in everyday life
  • Generates an electrostatic field protecting the entire home, shielding all living things by preventing EMFs from entering the body
  • Protects your natural bioelectric cellular processes from disruptive man-made emf sources
  • Reduces the symptoms of cellular stress, brain fog, headaches, fatigue, anxiety and depression
  • Improves energy levels, detoxification, focus and concentration
  • Assists with deep and restful sleep and detoxification


Revolutionary EMF Protection.   German Engineered and German Manufactured.

VIVOBASE products will protect you from 3G, 4G, 5G, dirty electricity,  geopathic stress, EMFs from all sources.  Plug it in to a central location in your home or workplace and it begins to work by creating a natural Spherical field in all directions.

EMF surrounds us 24/7!  Exposure impacts vitality and sleep, increases health disorders, weakens the immune system and lowers the quality of well-being.  The worst offenders may be in our own homes: cell phones, laptops, microwaves, baby monitors, smart televisions, Wi-Fi connectors, Bluetooth devices, satellite dishes, household wireless and smart devices and more

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is increasing rapidly even within our own home. The use of smart appliances, wireless devices, smartphones, laptops and tablets have become part of everyday life even for children. In addition to smartphone radiation, there is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DECT phone (cordless) radiation. Many children and teenagers are constantly online, and the latest devices are at the top of their wish lists. Due to the use of baby monitors, even newborns are exposed daily to electromagnetic smog.

The VIVOBASE HOME EMF protection tool provides approximately 65 feet radius of protection in all directions.  This technology penetrates walls and ceilings.

The VIVOBASE HOME EMF protection device creates a natural static field for that aligns the body and water molecules in your skin to prevent harmful frequencies from entering your body and interfering with your health.  VIVOBASE HOME helps to provide wide space protection.

Multiple studies show how these types of radiation can have ill effects on living organisms including humans, animals, and even plant life.

Understanding WiFi and its potential dangers

Scientific Investigations


Looking for complete protection at HOME and on the MOVE?

We offer the VIVOBASE KIT including the HOME and MOVE for the ultimate protection.


The VIVOBASE MOVE offers the same beneficial protection in a portable device you can take with you.

Sold individually or as part of the VIVOBASE KIT.




2 Year Manufactures Warranty

HOME Dimensions 8 × 8 × 8 in
Application (socket) Standard plug
Range Approx. 25 m (radius), through walls and ceilings
Dimensions approx. 110 mm
Weight 75 g

Additional information




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