Whole Body Tuners Yin & Yang C & G Tuning Forks


The Body Tuners forks are used to integrate left & right brain, this helps create a sense of peace and purpose.

When using the Body Tuners the forks are held on either side of the head in alternating fashion.  This helps to create a state of calmness and ease within the body as it realigns and balances itself.

Body Tuners are a fantastic starter set. The Greek God, Apollo, used this resonance to summon dolphin messengers to Delphi.

All our tuning forks are MADE IN THE USA from the highest quality Aluminum Alloy for quality and hand tuned for accuracy.


The Body Tuners are 2 tuning forks (C & G) that create the special interval in music and sound therapies called the Perfect Fifth. Lao Tzu referred to this interval as the “sound of universal harmony” between the forces of Yin and Yang. In India, the Fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the Dance of Life. The Body Tuners are a wonderful way to begin your sonic exploration.

Contains 256 Hz and 384 Hz (C & G), plus instructions and carrying bag. Most of our tuning forks are available with or without weights. The weighted forks give much more vibration and are especially useful for vibratory therapy. Sound puncture with these forks being placed on the meridian points or on the vertebra of focus.

Should I choose Standard or Weighted? What are the uses for each?

Standard tuning forks are great for vibrational healing such as sound toning, and for working with energies, such as opening energy blocks, clearing chakras, or cleansing auras. In the process of promoting the flow of vital life force within the human body and the human energy field, they are intended to assist and facilitate clearing, balancing, and energizing the energy body in a simple and gentle way. Standard tuning forks also have the unique quality of being able to produce harmonic intervals (multiple pitches that occur at the same time) when struck together. Weighted tuning forks don’t produce harmonic intervals as easily, however they have a much stronger vibration, making them easier to feel, and excellent for uses such as acupuncture, sound puncture, and muscle relaxation techniques. In addition to their own sound and vibrational healing qualities, weighted tuning forks can physically transfer their frequency of vibration to the body by using forced resonance, or by directly applying the handle (also called stem) of the tuning fork on the body at point of focus, such as a meridian or chakra. This is a way of creating movement or frequency vibration in any area of the body, and as such, weighted tuning forks are known to give immediate relief from pain when used with interferential therapy techniques. Weighted tuning forks vibrate for longer periods of time, and stay at their exact frequency longer. This makes them great for accurate or precision tuning or toning when doing sessions on yourself or others.

About our Tuning Forks

Our tuning forks are made from a special Aluminum Alloy that is heat treated giving them a very pure tone. The single fundamental frequency will remain constant for up to 15-20 years and the non-tarnishing material will not rust or corrode. Each fork is tuned by hand to an accuracy of /- 0.25% or better. Please do not confuse our tuning forks with inferior products being made in China and Pakistan.


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